San Gimignano Ceremonies
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Weddings in San Gimignano

Highlights of a San Gimignano Wedding
- A masterpiece of medieval architecture.
- The famous 14 towers, an early version of the skyscraper!
- One of the finest civil venues in Tuscany.
- The views of the surrounding valley from the top of the Torre Grossa.
Airport nearby: Pisa is one hour and a half, Florence is one hour.
Best time for a San Gimignano wedding: April through October.
Get married in San Gimignano, Tuscany’s spellbinding medieval hilltop town, made famous for its 14 towers which seem to reach for the sky. The town can be recognized from a distance with its unique silhouette. The charm of San Gimignano is undisputed and is sure to captivate you with its narrow streets, medieval walls and incredible Renaissance art. The soaring towers are what remains of 72 and were built during the time of the Guelph-Ghibbelline wars as defenses by the local noble families who also used the occasion to vie with each other in building the tallest and most imposing.
The main piazza of San Gimignano is one of the highlights of this Tuscan gem. Weekly markets are still held here on Thursdays with local farmers and artisans showing their wares. The square is charm personified. On the piazza is the main Romanesque church Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta, which hides many a treasure in art and architecture including Benozzo Gozzoli’s St. Sebastian and the intense and realistic Last Judgement by Taddeo di Bartolo. The beautiful Renaissance Chapel inside the church; the Cappella di Santa Fina, is richly decorated with frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio.
Other amazing highlights of San Gimignano are the Museo Civico - a medieval palace which houses an astounding selection of paintings by Renaissance greats such as Pinturicchio, Filippino Lippi and Benozzo Gozzoli. Civil weddings take place in Dante's Hall, inside the museum which is part of the Palazzo del Popolo. Take a climb up to the top of San Gimignano’s tallest tower, the Torre Grossa and experience one of the most breathtaking panoramic views in all of Tuscany.
San Gimignano is the perfect choice for couples desiring an authentic Tuscan wedding immersed in the beautiful countryside.